
Title Author Year Publication type
Western Stege Marsh Restoration Project Year 5 Hydrologic Monitoring Report Kamman Hydrology & Engineering, Inc. 2010 Report
California Salmonid Stream Habitat Restoration Manual, 4th Ed., Part 1 Gary Flosi; Scott Downie; James Hopelain; Michael Bird; Robert Coey; Barry Collins; State of California, The Resources Agency, California Department of Fish and Game, Wildlife and Fisheries Division 2010 Management Plan
California Salmonid Stream Habitat Restoration Manual, 4th Ed., Part 2 Gary Flosi; Scott Downie; James Hopelain; Michael Bird; Robert Coey; Barry Collins; State of California, The Resources Agency, California Department of Fish and Game, Wildlife and Fisheries Division 2010 Management Plan
Job Safety Analysis - Strawberry Creek Restoration Project - Weeding, Planting, and Trash Pick-Up Activities on the Central Campus Park Office of Environment, Health & Safety 2010 Brochure
Western Stege Marsh Restoration Project: Vegetation Monitoring Report - 2009 May & Associates, Inc. 2009 Report
2008 Year 2 Habitat Monitoring Report, Village Creek Restoration Project, University Village Albany Step 2 May & Associates, Inc. 2008 Report
Grinnell Natural Area Native Biodiversity Restoration Project Office of Environment, Health & Safety 2008 Report
Strawberry Creek Status Report - 2006 - Education and Outreach Karl Hans; Steve Maranzana 2008 Report
Strawberry Creek Status Report - 2006 - Geology Karl Hans; Steve Maranzana 2008 Report
Strawberry Creek Status Report - 2006 - Geomorphology Karl Hans; Steve Maranzana 2008 Report
Strawberry Creek Status Report - 2008 - Biological Resources - Flora and Fauna Karl Hans; Steve Maranzana 2008 Report
Baseline (Year 1) Habitat Monitoring Report Village Creek Restoration Project, UC Berkeley May & Associates, Inc. 2008 Report
UC Berkeley Richmond Field Station Remediation and Restoration Project, Habitat Restoration Progress Report 2003 - 2007 The Watershed Project 2007 Report
Richmond Field Station Remediation and Restoration Project Habitat Restoration Progress Report 2003 – 2007, Appendices 2007 Report
Winter Creek Temporary Stabilization Project, 2005 - 2006 Monitoring Summary Philip Williams & Associates, LTD 2007 Letter
Winter Creek Stabilization and Enhancement Project, Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement California Department of Fish and Wildlife 2007 Permit
Winter Creek Temporary Stabilization Project, Project Status: 2007 Monitoring Philip Williams & Associates, LTD 2007 Letter
Strawberry Creek Status Report - 2006 - Hydrology Karl Hans; Steve Maranzana 2007 Report
Codornices Creek - Final Monitoring Report for the Codornices Creek Watershed Restoration Action Plant, Phase 2 Kier Associates 2007 Report
Urban Riparian Restoration: An Outdoor Classroom for College and High School Students Collaborating in Conservation Karl Hans; Jeffrey D. Corbin; Alison H. Purcell 2007 Research
Strawberry Creek Status Report - 2006 - Water Quality Karl Hans; Steve Maranzana 2006 Report
Strawberry Creek - Total Coliform and E-coli Analysis (2004-2006) Office of Environment, Health & Safety 2006 Report
Oakland Museum Watershed Map - Legend Oakland Museum 2006 Map
Oakland Museum Watershed Map - Derby Creek Oakland Museum 2006 Map
Oakland Museum Watershed Map - Codornices and Village Creek Oakland Museum 2006 Map
Oakland Museum Watershed Map - Strawberry Creek Oakland Museum 2006 Map
Storm Drainage Study Of Eastern Portion Of The Strawberry Creek Watershed G T Kuntz 2004 Research
Codornices Creek Watershed Restoration Action Plan (2004) Kier Associates; Fisheries And Watershed Professionals; Urban Creeks Counsil 2004 Management Plan
Codornices Creek Watershed Restoration Action Plan Kier Associates 2003 Management Plan
Richmond Field Station Remediation Project, Biological Assessment Report Blasland, Bouck & Lee, Inc. Engineers & Scientists 2003 Report
North Fork Reach 2 - University House to Haviland 2003 Map
South Fork 5 - South Stephens Hall to Cribwall 2003 Map
North Fork Reach 3 - Haviland Hall 2003 Map
South Fork 6 - Stephens to Anthony 2003 Map
North Fork Reach 4 - Haviland Hall to Wickson Bridge 2003 Map
Strawberry Creek Vegetation Maps - 2003 Inventory - South Fork 7 - Substation 1 to Sather Gate (A&E Parking Lot) 2003 Map
North Fork Reach 5 - Wickson Bridge to Valley Life Sciences Building (VLSB) Bend 2003 Map
Strawberry Creek Vegetation Maps - 2003 Inventory - South Fork 8 - Sather Gate to Dining Commons 2003 Map
North Fork Reach 6 - VLSB Bend to West Circle 2003 Map
Strawberry Creek Vegetation Maps - 2003 Inventory - South Fork 9 - Dining Commons to Octagon Bridge (Wellman Parking Lot entrance) 2003 Map
South and North Fork Reach 15 - Main Branch Oxford Street Walking Bridge to Oxford Street Culvert 2003 Map
Strawberry Creek Vegetation Maps - 2003 Inventory - South Fork 10 - South of VLSB 2003 Map
South and North Fork Reach 15b - Main Branch Oxford Street Culvert 2003 Map
Strawberry Creek Vegetation Maps - 2003 Inventory - South Fork 11 - Star of David Bridge between LSA and Heating Plant 2003 Map
South Fork 1 - Little Inch Women's Faculty Club 2003 Map
Strawberry Creek Vegetation Maps - 2003 Inventory - South Fork 12 - Eucalyptus Grove LSA to Confluence 2003 Map
South Fork 2 - Little Inch and Big Inch Confluence - Men's Faculty Club 2003 Map
Strawberry Creek Vegetation Maps - 2003 Inventory - South Fork 13 - Confluence of North and South Forks 2003 Map
Key to Reach Maps 2003 Map
South Fork 3 - 1910 Bridge to Stephens Hall 2003 Map