Strawberry Creek: A Walking Tour of Campus Natural History


This walking tour is a guide to Strawberry Creek on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley.  Strawberry Creek is a major landscape feature of the campus, with its headwaters above the UC Botanical Garden in Strawberry Canyon.  This tour covers only the central campus and should last about an hour.  It begins at the Faculty Glade, follows the South Fork downstream, and ends at Giannini Hall along the North Fork.  A map with indicated stops is located at the end of this booklet.

Stops on Campus include:  Faculty Glade, Water Striders, Redwood Cribwall, Sather Gate, Fish Pools, Bay Tree Bridge, Grinnell Nature Area, Eucalyptus Grove, and the North Fork.

Robert Charbonneau
Stephanie Kaza
Vincent Resh
Publication date: 
January 1, 2000
Publication type: 