This spring semester, Strawberry Creek Restoration Program (SCRP) Intern Julia Lambert will be teaching a DeCal titled “Restoring Strawberry Creek.” UC Berkeley students hear the gentle flowing of Strawberry Creek each day they walk to class, pass by natural areas shaped by decades of ecosystem restoration efforts, and often sit to enjoy patches of sun (or shade depending on the season) along this creek. Despite Strawberry Creek’s presence in the daily life of UC Berkeley students, the creek’s history and transformation throughout the past decades remain lesser known.
All News
January 21, 2025
September 18, 2024
UC Berkeley's Green Gateways team, comprised of Department of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning (LAEP), College of Environmental Design (CED), students and a faculty advisor, received an Honorable Mention in a national competition known as the EPA RainWorks Challenge. Students were tasked with designing an innovative green infrastructure project for their campus that addresses stormwater pollution and provides additional benefits to the campus community and environment.
August 30, 2024
The student interns of the Strawberry Creek Restoration Program Alessandra Lucchesi and Loulou Ziegler will be teaching a DeCal course during the Fall 2024 semester. The DeCal, titled “Restoring Strawberry Creek: The Vital Role of Biodiversity in Ecosystem Rehabilitation,” will take students through the history of Strawberry Creek and its restoration story and work with students to complete restoration activities on campus.
February 22, 2024
Early Saturday, February 17th morning, with rain lightly falling, the Strawberry Creek Restoration Program (SCRP) interns trekked to Kingman Hall, a Berkeley Student Cooperative, to help with a native planting day hosted by Eytan Stanton and Ellie Reiff of Kingman Hall Creek Restoration (KHCR).
One of the most important objectives of the Strawberry Creek Restoration Program (SCRP) is to connect various communities of nature lovers and bring them together to learn about and do restoration work. It’s these connections that widen SCRP’s impact and ensure that the restoration of Strawberry Creek will continue for many years to come. On a beautiful sunny day in February, SCRP furthered this goal by collaborating with Cal Wildlife Society.
January 31, 2024
Strawberry Creek Restoration Program (SCRP) interns Alessandra Lucchesi and Andrew Glaros tabled with fellow UC Berkeley students representing a number of environmental and sustainability registered student organizations at the Student Environmental Resource Center (SERC) event on Monday afternoon. Peer to peer outreach is one way the SCRP interns engage with students and recruit volunteers for creek restoration projects on campus. For details on upcoming voluteer opportunities, join the SCRP email list by filling out the
December 5, 2023
For the last event of the fall 2023 semester, the SCRP interns planted natives at the UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design (CED) garden, which now had space thanks to past weeding days, and at El Sol. A native sedge, Iris innominata, evergreen huckleberry, common yarrow, and a snowberry were planted at the CED garden. Baja fairy duster, deergrass, "Canyon Gray" California sagebrush, and a “Pozo Blue” sage were planted at El Sol. It was a sunny and successful day of planting on December 5th, and just in time for the rainy season to take over watering the natives over winter break.
November 17, 2023
Towards the end of the fall semester, numerous native plants on campus were producing seeds, including California wild rose, hummingbird sage, California buckwheat, coffeeberry, and Sticky Monkeyflower. On November 19th, volunteers gathered seeds at the pollinator garden near the Hearst Women’s Gym and at the natural area near the Women’s Faculty Club. The seeds were labeled and stored in envelopes for use in future semesters.
November 6, 2023
On Sunday, November 4, 2023, 35 Berkeley Project Day volunteers and 4 Strawberry Creek Restoration Program (SCRP) interns gathered on campus to help restore Strawberry Creek. Together, they removed invasive plants, such as ivy (see photo of volunteers holding up removed ivy) and yellow star thistle and collected trash. At the e
October 27, 2023
October 13, 2023
At another successful volunteer work day in October, around 20 students from Diablo Valley College’s Alpha Gamma Sigma came out to pull out the ivy and Himalayan blackberry (both are invasives) from around the edges of the UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design (CED) garden. The day ended with a creek tour, led by interns Andrew Glaros and Alessandra Marie Lucchesi who showed the group El Sol garden and other natural sites on campus.
October 6, 2023
September 22, 2023
September 15, 2023
December 10, 2021
Many different mushrooms grow on the UC Berkeley campus, and several of them are poisonous. Check out the new Mushroom Safety page detailing the dangers of the most toxic mushrooms that grow here.
April 28, 2020
We're in the process of migrating all of the documents from the former Creeks of UC Berkeley website. We hope to complete the migration within the next month. Thanks for your patience!
November 25, 2019
We've officiallly migrated to the Open Berkeley platform. The Creeks of UC Berkeley website is live today! Please explore the new website - while things may have been rearranged, we have worked hard to preserve all the content and documents from the original website.
If you have any questions or concerns, we would love to hear from you! Please send an email with your thoughts to
Thank you!
January 25, 2019
Thanks to everybody who filled out UC Berkeley's Storm Water Questionnaire in December 2018.
A few lucky people won the Creeks of UC Berkeley prize package. If you didn't receive a prize, never fear! We will release the same survey with prizes next December.
April 22, 2018
Sunday, April 22, 2018 (10:00 AM - 12:00 PM)
Meet at the Native Plant Nursery in the Wellman Courtyard by Giannini Hall
Contact with any questions.
April 15, 2018
Saturday, April 15, 2018 (10:00 AM - 12:00 PM)
Meet at the Native Plant Nursery in the Wellman Courtyard by Giannini Hall
Bring water, a hat and close-toed shoes. We will provide tools and gloves! Contact sends e-mail) with any questions.
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