Implementation of the creek and watershed management strategies oulined in this report requires delegation of responsibilities and action on the part of the Department of Facilities Management (DOFM). Environmental management of Strawberry Creek must be far-sighted and comprehensive in scope in order to adequately protect and enhance the creek and its associated riparian areas. This will require the cooperation of the University, LBL, and the City of Berkeley. The responsibility for long-term management rests with the Creek Environmental Quality Committee which was recently approved by the Chancellor's Office. In addition to the committee, several other approaches are available to incorporate consideration of the environmental quality of Strawberry Creek into the campus planning process and operations.
The Strawberry Creek Environmental Quality Committee includes academics, administrative staff, and a student representative who have professional experience and/or a concern in the quality of the creek. The Committee is interdisciplinary in nature and was appointed by the Chancellor to address the following issues:
- Review and evaluate all activities that impact the environmental quality of the creek.
- Develop a master plan for the improvement and maintenance of the environmental quality of the creek.
- Provide campus departments (EH&S, DOFM, Planning Office) with technteal guidance and direction to minimize adverse environmental impacts on the creek.
- Review existing and pending state and federal water quality regulations.
- Review and evaluate environmental studies related to the creek.
The Committee should review various DOFM grounds practices concerning chemical use, irrigation, vegetation management, streambank stabilization, and standard operating procedures to assess their impacts on the creek and its riparian areas. The Committee should review both ongoing activities as well as projected development and new protocols. Recommendations on existing practices should be directed to the appropriate campus department, whereas input on new development should be forwarded to the Campus Planning Office. A report on the recommendations and subsequent actions should be given to The Vice Chancellor and the Vice Chancellor for Business and Administrative Services (BAS). Both DOFM and EH&S fall under BAS. The Campus Planning Office must notify the Committee of proposed development projects in order to solicit input.
DOFM plays a major role in the environmental management of Strawberry Creek. Personnel should further investigate the sources of point source effluent and evaluate its impact on water quality. Applicable point source controls should be implemented. DOFM engineers should continue to evaluate the sanitary sewer system and correct problems on a continuing basis. EH&S can assist DOFM with these tasks if necessary.
DOFM should undertake an aggressive streambank stabilization program employing the various biotechnical methods outlined in this report. Design and supervision of this work should be done by qualified consultants. Guidelines should be formulated for vegetation management in the designated central campus natural areas and implemented by DOFM grounds personnel. DOFM policies and contracts should address illegal disposal of materials into catch basins and the institution of standard erosion control measures.
Best management practices (BMP's) for stormwater management and control of non-point source pollution should be implemented by DOFM, LBL, and the City of Berkeley. A handbook of BMP's should be developed by DOFM and all projects, plans, and practices should comply with the guidebook. The City of Berkeley should be encouraged to formulate a similar document and implement the BMP's as well. LBL can work in cooperation with DOFM as identical practices would be applicable in their canyon facility. Low cost non-structural methcxls outlined in this report including improved street sweeping and cleaning of catch basins should be emphasized initially.
Environmental impact statements on discrete projects should address all possible adverse environmental effects on Strawberry Creek and its riparian corridors. This is an effective means of identifying specific impacts, but does not consider cumulative impacts in the entire watershed. A list of impact assessment criteria for the creek and its watershed is given in Appendix D.
RFP's issued by DOFM Design and Construction Services for new projects should include best management practices pertaining to impervious surface areas. These can either require that peak runoff from the site in question should not be increased over existing conditions or limit the percentage of impervious surf ace area allowed. These conditions will help mitigate the adverse hydrologic and water quality impacts of additional development in the watershed. The RFP's should also stipulate a minimum of land and vegetation disturbance as well as implementation of erosion and runoff control measures during actual construction.
The Long Range Development Plan for the UC Berkeley campus is currently in the process of being updated. This document must incorporate concerns about the environmental quality of Strawberry Creek into the long-term campus planning process. The LRDP should consider the creek and watershed management strategies discussed in this report as well as the recommendations of the Strawberry Creek Environmental Quality Committee.