Strawberry Creek's hydrology has been greatly altered by watershed urbanization resulting in an increase in impervious surfaces on the UC Berkeley campus and City of Berkeley's Northside community. The consequences of urbanization include increased water pollution, decreased groundwater recharge, and flash flows, characterized by higher, faster peak flows than occurred prior to urbanization.
This page contains reports and monitoring data of Strawberry Creek water flow.
Current Conditions
EH&S Hydrologic Monitoring Stations
Regional Weather Stations
- Weather Data at Berkeley Lab (LBNL)
- NOAA Oakland North weather station
- NOAA Berkeley Lab weather station
- Balance Hydrologics Berkeley Office rain gauge
- Contra Costa County Flood Control District Rain Gauges
Historical Data and Reports
- 1963, April 11 - Preliminary Storm Drainage Investigation and Recommendations for Emergency Remedial Measures, University of California, Berkeley, Lennert
- 1980 February Storm Drainage Study Strawberry Creek Watershed at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, G.T. Kuntz Consulting Engineer
- 1983 Historic Flooding in Berkeley, Lawler, Roger
- 1987 Strawberry Creek Management Plan
- 2004 October Storm Drainage Study of the Eastern Portion of the Strawberry Creek Watershed at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, G.T. Kuntz Consulting Engineer
- Strawberry Creek - 2006 Status Report - Hydrology
- 2016 History of the Upper Watershed Storm Drain System, Appendix E of the Strawberry Creek Watershed Storm Plan