Why is drinking water bad for fish?
Drinking water contains low concentrations of chloramines, which kills fish and other creek critters.
Why are there chloramines in drinking water?
About 10 years ago EBMUD switched disinfectants from gas chlorine to chloramines because of the following reasons:
- less toxic to humans
- safer for workers to handle
- lasts longer in the distribution system
How does drinking water enter our creeks?
Through the storm drains! Water can come from:
- Water main / fire hydrant breaks
- Irrigation leaks
- DIY car washes
- Power washing sidewalks and streets
- Construction activities
Report a water main break
Report a water main break immediately! Call (510) 642-3073
What does a water main break look like?
- Water gushing out of the ground
- Water going into a storm drain on a clear day
- Not sure? Call anyway!
What can I do?
Don’t let your water go down a storm drain!
- Wash your car at a commercial facility
- Use alternatives to power washing
- Don’t over-irrigate
- Fix irrigation leaks
What UC Berkeley is doing?
UC Berkeley has regular training for maintenance, grounds, and plumbing staff. There is also a Drought Response, which includes converting lawns to lower water-use landscape.